
The association in Göteborg Centrum, which creates the joy of playing

Year's events: 2024

"Beginners" training day

"beginners" day on 3rd långgatan for those who started playing viola or cello in autumn 2022 or autumn 2023

Where: Kulturskolan on 3:e långgatan 16

When: Saturday 20 april, 2024

Time: kl.10.00-13.30 Concert for parents 13.00

Inscription: No cost. Register by sending sms to Marika

You leave your children at 10.00 and come to the concert at 13.00. We will have a coffee break, so bring something to eat for your children. We will make a playable story together that you parents can come and listen to at 1 p.m. We adapt the paragraphs according to what the students can do.

Nationell Suzukigalan 2024

Welcome to two concerts where children up to 20 years of age plays music together, from the youngest beginners of 4 years old up to advanced students. The Suzuki Method came to Sweden over 50 years ago (1971) and we celebrate this together with Suzuki students and teachers from all over Sweden in the Gothenburg Concert hall, on the West Coast where it all started.

10th of May: Piano, Guitar and Flute, Stenhammarsalen

11th of May: String instruments (violin, cello and viola) and soloist Nicole Biegniewska (violin), Stora Salen

More information about the concerts and tickets can be found at, search for Nationell Suzukigala.

With these concerts, we would like spread Dr. Shinichi Suzuki's idea and philosphy about the Mother Tounge Method (Suzuki Method™), as he called his method, which is based on the philosophy that all children has an unlimited potential to learn.

”Where love is deep, much can be accomplished” S. Suzuki (1898-1998)


Here you can read more

Summer concert Viola 2024

Var: St Birgittas kapell 

När: 21 maj kl 18.00



Var: Nordhemskolan

När: 28 maj kl 17.00

Side by Side

15-19 June 2024 El Sistema is organizing Side by Side in Gothenburg for the 10th year.

String camp in Jönköping

24-28 June 2024 SSZ arranges straw camps in Jönköping. You need to be a member of SSZ (via our extended membership) in order to register for the camp

Day at Styrsö, 14 September 2024

A cozy start to the semester when we take the tram out into the archipelago to play together.
Here you can read more about the day in 2023!

Autumn camp at Åh, November 16-17 2024

This year's Åh camp will be an impressive display of what can be achieved with fantastic children and educators
Here you can read more about our camp weekend from last year